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Members – Area


4.000+ Guests

All Drinks inclusive

Hello [usermeta key=\“first_name\“],

This is your one-stop for all your sponsorship topics for OMClub 2018!

If you need any help or want to brainstorm some freaked out ideas for your involvement with us, reach out to and we\’ll find some great great stuff. 

Download the Current Sponsor Book

[useraccess key=\“billing\“ value=\“1\“ message=\“☐\“]🗹[/useraccess] Add your billing details 🖉

[usermeta key=\“fb_address\“]

[useraccess key=\“pack_booked\“ value=\“1\“ message=\“☐\“]🗹[/useraccess] Book your sponsoring

[usermeta key=\“pack_booking\“]

[useraccess key=\“unique_booking\“ value=\“\“ message=\“🗹 Book something to stand out \“]☐ Book something to stand out 

Book something only you can have now   [/useraccess] 
[usermeta key=\“unique_booking\“]

[useraccess key=\“logo_uploaded\“ value=\“1\“ message=\“☐\“]🗹[/useraccess] Upload your logo 🖉

Hello [usermeta key=\“first_name\“],

This area is your one-stop for all your sponsorship topics for OMClub 2018!

You need to sign in or sign up first to book your sponsorings, check your bookings, upload logos and much more. 

If you need any help or want to brainstorm some freaked out ideas for your involvement with us, reach out to and we\’ll find some great great stuff. 

BEcome A Sponsor

An OMClub sponsoring offers way more than free admission and free alcohol ‘til the bitter end. If you decide to sponsor the OMClub, we promise to highlight your brand! Every year up to 200 sponsors make possible incredible party nights, which our partyguests talk about with awe for a long time. Together we will find the right party sponsoring to fit your brand. Through your personal story we will showcase your products or brand not only at the party itself, but we’ll also start promoting long before the “big event”.  Special sponsorings will make sure you will become unforgettable to our guests.


[ninja_form id=35]


Party with us

OMClub turn the party on